A Few Words about Systemic & Family Constellations & our Work

Systemic & Family Constellations Work draws on ancestral ritual roots and modern psychotherapeutic strategies to address all manner of problems, including family turmoil, personal failure, depression and disease.

Early man experienced life as not two; spirit and flesh were one. The tribe, the family and the individual were of one soul. How a family within this tribal soul related to its members was based upon, what has been called by Bert Hellinger, the Orders of Love.

Among those orders are that all members of the family carry equal weight and belong, no matter what they have done. Another of the orders is that, “Love flows downhill.”  Parents give children take. Love is the driving force down through the generations.

As one generation begets another and the following another throughout time, love drives no matter what the appearance may be.

Inevitably what may be experienced as restrictions or knots in this flow of love occur.

Famine, war drive families from their homeland; break families apart through death and the necessity to leave others behind. Sexual misconduct, greed, taking advantage of others, also will create imbalances in love’s flow. Members of later generations will unconsciously take on those burdens from the past in a loyal attempt to balance the accounts for their ancestors’ misdoings. Marrying across religious lines no matter how strong the love often creates disturbances (many grandmothers have levied curses on an unfortunate couple that have rolled down the ages and been experienced and released in constellations).

In a constellation we do not distinguish between the living and the dead as our ancestors also did not create a division between the living and the dead. Grandpa, though passed, remained available as counsel, as his connection to the living and those long dead formed a conduit of wisdom available when needed to those family members still walking the earth.

One of the most healing moments in a constellation can occur when a forgotten family member (sometimes an outcast or even a missing twin) feels seen and what was felt previously as a disturbance becomes a new source of love and felt support.

Other disturbances in the downward flow of love can arise when a child tries to stand-in for a parent’s previous partner. This identification is often felt as broken when they are ritually remembered and take their rightful place in the family. First wife, first husband, no matter how good or bad, belong and must be remembered and allowed their place in the family hierarchy.

Many wonderful books and DVD’s chronicling Constellation Work and Bert Hellinger are available and for those interested a valuable resource for study, understanding and wisdom.

We offer workshops and individual sessions throughout the year and are also available to come to you if you would like to organize a workshop in your town or city.

You may also visit our website at www.counselingsedona.com or contact us by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or by phone at (928) 204-2489.

From Spirit to Spirit in Love,

Divyo and Ramananda