Perhaps I could give you an example:

One client (a young man) began to set up his family of origin; his mother and father, his sister and himself.  We were doing a private session with him, so we had him use pillows to represent his familiy members and himself.  He laid out the pillows and we gave him some small pointers to lay on the pillows to show where each member was looking.  He laid out the pillows in a bit of a square; he facing his mother and his sister facing his dad.  They were quite close together. Like this:


Take a moment and imagine you are one of these family members; center yourself a bit and  look at the diagram; notice any feelings or sensations in your body.

How does it feel to be that person?  How do you feel towards the other members? 

This is how a constellation can begin.  In the featured article, Bert Hellinger shares his guidelines for how to be a representative.

From Soul to Soul 3>,

Divyo and Rama