“I hadn't spoken to my mother for 20 years. After the Family Constellation session, I couldn't wait to call her and we cried and talked for over three hours. My mother, who is in her 70s, came all the way to Sedona to have her own session, just because of the changes she saw in me.” SD, San Jose, CA
"I had a car accident followed by a fall and a rib contusion. I had heard that
the family constellation work could help uncover the systemic roots
of accident patterns. I was very surprised at what was revealed in the constellation.
There is no other type of session or psychological work that could
have shown the roots of this pattern. It turned out to be a burden
that was passed on from my grandfather's generation and that I was carrying and living out. I do feel that the session helped me turn a corner, and lighten a very heavy load that was sitting in my sub-conscious.
I highly recommend this work, it is mysterious and very helpful in dissolving the negative life patterns that we carry. Divyo is highly skilled, and very intuitive and the work happens in a relaxed and trusting atmosphere. All the people involved help to support the space and the whole unfolding of the process. It is a profound journey which gives us a real understanding of our past, completing what might still be holding us to the past, as it helps us move on with our life."
Prem Devi, Sedona, AZ. Divyo and Ram facilitated a very safe, responsive, and alive space that allowed me to connect with the energy of my family lineage in such a way that completely shifted my relating to my beloved, yet estranged father into a space of healing transformation. I see great value in recognizing my ancestors choiceless destinies, and by doing so, seize the opportunity to mutate beyond these ancient genetic patterns. This experience was totally correct for me, and I am humbled to have stepped into my destined role in my own Family Constellation. Serving as a representative in a family constellation session is challenging and supremely rewarding work. Not only do I learn to surrender in the moment, I often experience the gift of resonance with my own lineage, facilitating greater understanding of the forces that have shaped me. Additionally there is the exciting opportunity to fully embody realities not part of my prior experience, whether wounded or healthy, thereby deepening my emotional range and expanding my perception of what is possible. I never leave a constellation without having had some new revelation about myself and/or the human experience. Thank you, R “I hadn't spoken to my mother for 20 years. After the Family Constellation session, I couldn't wait to call her and we cried and talked for over three hours. My mother, who is in her 70s, came all the way to Sedona to have her own session, just because of the changes she saw in me.” SD, San Jose, CA Hello Divyo & Rama: I just wanted to share with you that I woke up this morning with an incredible sense of lightness of being.
It was as if I had gotten rid of a huge load off my shoulders. I experienced such peace, joy, contentment and state of Grace.
Much love and gratitude, A Prescott, AZ
Dearest Divyo and Craig, I thought of you often on Christmas day when my whole family was gathered because it was the most peaceful holiday I've ever spent with them. The depth of connection and the pleasure of connection was fabulous all day long and on Christmas Eve as well. I especially noticed the sweetness between me and my mom and me and my brother since those had been harder relationships. You supported me to focused on those relationships in two of our sessions and the resulting love and flow is a gift of absolute grace. Divyo, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted for the first time in my life. It was just gigantic for me. I am still reeling from my amazement. And I just wanted to say thank you so much,
Divyo, Dear Divyo, Thank you for this work. After a very long time I feel a strong desire to continue and learn more. Dear Divyo, Words cannot describe how beautiful and profound my session was with you. My entire outlook on my family, myself and how we effect each other has changed. You've given me a tremendous gift! (And my Mum's, too!) Thank you for your Blessing and for truly opening my eyes and my Heart, Heather W. Dear Divyo, “Family Constellation work, in Divyo’s skilled and loving hands, is one of the most powerful healing techniques I’ve encountered. My first session shifted my world so dramatically that I felt shattered in the most holy way. In one session, my view of myself, my family, and humanity irrevocably shifted toward greater love, compassion and peace." Susan Liebe Divyo
ich wollte mich gerne nochmals ganz herzlich bedanken. Die Sitzung mit Dir hat jegliche Vorsellungen, welche ich gehabt habe bezueglich eines moeglichen Resultat, uebertroffen.
Die Familienstellung hat eine riesen grosse Strassenblockade aus dem Weg geraeumt. Wusste nicht mal dass sie da war...
![]() Also nochmals vielen Dank. Viele Gruesse Ursula
“ The work that you did with us has helped us to bond so deeply. We had never missed each other the way we did this time when I was out of town. Thank you,” Jeannie and Tony Divyo and Craig,
I am truly compelled to thank you, again, for your guidance during our Past Life Regression session last Sunday. I'm probably still processing it all, but it really feels like there is closure on some unnamed issue that I didn't even realize was there (if that makes any sense). It just feels like good things are here now and on the horizon...not really sure how to explain it. “Dear Divyo, Thank you for your work. You made me see something that I could never have figured out without you. Seeing tis actually released a pain in my shoulders that I have been carrying for decades. I feel such a release, my spirit has lightened. Thank you for everything.” Lorraine “I just wanted to write you a note to validate the work you do. I don’t know if you always realize how valuable it is. You have such a gift, and such a big beautiful heart…. You are an incredible, beautiful Being of Light. Please don’t forget that.” L. “Dear Craig, |
Dearest Divyo and Craig,
Thank you for the fun Christmas greeting.
I thought of you often on Christmas day when my whole family was gathered because it was the most peaceful holiday I've ever spent with them. The depth of connection and the pleasure of connection was fabulous all day long and on Christmas Eve as well. I especially noticed the sweetness between me and my mom and me and my brother since those had been harder relationships. You supported me to focused on those relationships in two of our sessions and the resulting love and flow is a gift of absolute grace.
I am deeply grateful for the blessing of both of you and for the Family Constellation work.
My love and a thousand prayers of love for your New Year. Susan